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    Adobe acrobat x pro accessibility guide free

    Last updated on Jan 12, | Also Applies to Adobe Acrobat , Adobe Acrobat Guide to creating accessible electronic documents, including PDFs. Accessibility features in Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, and PDF enable people with disabilities to use PDF documents, with or without screen.

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    Adobe acrobat x pro accessibility guide free

    Tagging during conversion can also properly tag the links, cross-references, bookmarks, and alternate text when available that are in the file. Acrobat analyzes the content of the PDF to interpret the individual page elements, their hierarchical structure, and the intended reading order of each page.

    Then, it builds a tag tree that reflects that information. It also creates tags for any links, cross-references, and bookmarks that you added to the document in Acrobat. The Add Tags To Document command adequately tags most standard layouts. However, it cannot always correctly interpret the structure and reading order of complex page elements.

    Tagging these pages by using the Add Tags To Document command can result in improperly combined elements or out-of-sequence tags. These issues cause reading order problems in the PDF. You can add a watermark to a tagged PDF without adding it to the tag tree. Once you have a tagged PDF, evaluate the document for reading order problems, tagging errors, and accessibility errors, and then repair them as needed.

    Whichever method you use to tag the PDF, use Acrobat to touch up the tagging and reading order for complex page layouts or unusual page elements. It may incorrectly tag all of these elements as figures. Similarly, this command may erroneously tag graphical characters within text , such as drop caps, as figures instead of including them in the tag that represents the text block.

    Such errors can clutter the tag tree and complicate the reading order that assistive technology relies on. If you tag a document from within Acrobat, the application generates an error report after it completes the tagging process.

    Use this report as a guide to repair tagging problems. For example, if the web page relies on tables for its layout design, the HTML code for the table may not flow in the same logical reading order as a tagged PDF would require, even though the HTML code is sufficiently structured to display all the elements correctly in a browser.

    Depending on the complexity of the web page, you can do extensive repairs in Acrobat Pro by using the Reading Order tool or editing the tag tree in Acrobat. For more information, see the guidelines on the W3C website. Creating tags in the authoring application generally provides better results than adding tags in Acrobat.

    For more information about creating accessible PDFs, see www. You can combine multiple files from different applications in one operation to create a single PDF. For example, you can combine word-processing files with slide presentations, spreadsheets, and web pages. If you start with a mix of tagged and untagged PDFs, tag the untagged files before proceeding. When you insert, replace, or delete pages, Acrobat accepts existing tags into the tag tree of the consolidated PDF in the following manner:.

    When you insert pages into a PDF, Acrobat adds the tags if any for the new pages to the end of the tag tree.

    This order occurs even if you insert the new pages at the beginning or the middle of the document. When you replace pages in a PDF, Acrobat adds the tags if any from the incoming pages to the end of the tag tree.

    This order occurs even if you replace pages at the beginning or the middle of the document. Acrobat retains the tags if any for the replaced pages. Pages whose tags are out of order in the logical structure tree can cause problems for screen readers. Screen readers read tags in sequence down the tree, and possibly do not reach the tags for an inserted page until the end of the tree.

    To fix this problem, use Acrobat Pro to rearrange the tag tree. Place large groups of tags in the same reading order as the pages themselves. To avoid this step, plan on inserting pages to the end of a PDF, building the document from front to back in sequence.

    This approach places the tags for the content after the tags for the title page. Essentially, they are large pieces of empty tag tree sections. These redundant tags increase the file size of the document, slow down screen readers, and can cause screen readers to give confusing results.

    Reflow a PDF to temporarily present it as a single column that is the width of the document pane. This reflow view makes the document easier to read. In most cases, only readable text appears in the reflow view.

    Text that does not reflow includes forms, comments, digital signature fields, and page artifacts, such as page numbers, headers, and footers. Pages that contain both readable text and form or digital signature fields do not reflow. Vertical text reflows horizontally. Note: You cannot save, edit, or print a document while it is in Reflow view. Make sure that annotations such as comments and editorial marks such as insert and highlight are either included in the Tags tree or marked as artifacts.

    To have Acrobat assign tags automatically to annotations as they're created, choose Tag Annotations from the Options menu on the Tags panel. Because tabs are often used to navigate a PDF, it's necessary that the tab order parallels the document structure. To fix the tab order automatically, select Tab Order on the Accessibility Checker panel, and choose Fix from the Options menu. Click the Page Thumbnails panel on the navigation pane. Click a page thumbnail, and then choose Page Properties from the Options menu.

    In the Page Properties dialog box, choose Tab Order. Specifying the encoding helps PDF viewers' present users with readable text. However, some character-encoding issues aren't repairable within Acrobat. This rule checks whether all multimedia objects are tagged. Make sure that content is either included in the Tags tree or marked as an artifact.

    Then, select Create Artifact from the context menu. Select the content, and then apply tags as necessary. Assign tags using the Tags panel.

    Elements that make the screen flicker, such as animations and scripts, can cause seizures in individuals who have photosensitive epilepsy. These elements can also be difficult to see when the screen is magnified. If the Screen Flicker rule fails, manually remove or modify the script or content that causes screen flicker. See these related WCAG sections: 1. Level A. Content cannot be script-dependent unless both content and functionality are accessible to assistive technologies.

    Make sure that scripting doesn't interfere with keyboard navigation or prevent the use of any input device. Check the scripts manually. Remove or modify any script or content that compromises accessibility.

    Level A , 4. This rule check applies to documents that contain forms with JavaScript. If the rule check fails, make sure that the page does not require timed responses.

    Edit or remove scripts that impose timely user response so that users have enough time to read and use the content. The best way to create accessible links is with the Create Link command, which adds all three links that screen readers require to recognize a link.

    Make sure that navigation links are not repetitive and that there is a way for users to skip over repetitive links. If this rule check fails, check navigation links manually and verify that the content does not have too many identical links.

    Also, provide a way for users to skip over items that appear multiple times. For example, if the same links appear on each page of the document, also include a "Skip navigation" link. In an accessible PDF, all form fields are tagged and are a part of the document structure. In addition, you can use the tool tip form filed property to provide the user with information or to provide instructions. Level A , 3. Screen readers don't read the alternate text for nested elements. Therefore, don't apply alternate text to nested elements.

    Make sure that alternate text is always an alternate representation for content on the page. If an element has alternate text, but does not contain any page content, there is no way to determine which page it is on. If the Screen Reader Option in the Reading preferences is not set to read the entire document, then screen readers never read the alternate text.

    Alternate text can't hide an annotation. If an annotation is nested under a parent element with alternate text, then screen readers don't see it. This report checks for content, other than figures, that requires alternate text such as multimedia, annotation, or 3D model. If an element has alternate text but does not contain any page content, there is no way to determine which page it is on. If the Screen Reader Options in the Reading preferences is not set to read the entire document, then screen readers don't read the alternate text.

    Because table structure can be complex, it is best practice to check them for accessibility manually. See Correct table tags with the Tags panel. Related WCAG section: 1. See related WCAG section: 1. To be accessible, tables must contain the same number of columns in each row, and rows in each column.

    When this rule check fails, the structure of this list is incorrect. Level AA. The order of headings is not required under WCAG, and is only an advisory technique.

    Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. User Guide Cancel. The simple, guided workflow lets you do the following: Make PDFs accessible : A predefined action automates many tasks, checks accessibility, and provides instructions for items that require manual fixes. The Action Wizard toolset is displayed in the secondary toolbar. A list of available actions is displayed under the Action List in the right-hand pane.

    From the Actions List, click Make Accessible. Click Start. Follow the prompts to complete the Make Accessible action. The Accessibility toolset is displayed in the secondary toolbar. The Accessibility Checker Options dialog box is displayed. Select a page range if you prefer to check individual pages of a document. Select one or more of the Checking Options. The report displays one of the following statuses for each rule check: Passed : The item is accessible.

    Verify the item manually. Failed : The item didn't pass the accessibility check. Use Read Out Loud to experience the document as readers who use the text-to-speech conversion tool experience it.

    Save the document as accessible text and then read the saved text file in a word-processing application. This exercise enables you to emulate the end-user experience of readers who use a braille printer to read the document.

    Fix accessibility issues Acrobat Pro. Skip Rule:. Runs the checker again on all items. Choose this option after modifying one or more items. Displays a report with links to tips on how to repair failed checks. Accessibility issues. Prevent security settings from interfering with screen readers. Or, fix accessibility permissions manually:. Image-only PDF. The Scan toolset is displayed in the secondary toolbar. Tagged PDF. If this rule check fails, the document isn't tagged to specify the correct reading order.

    To specify tags manually, do one of the following: Enable tagging in the application in which the PDF was authored, and re-create the PDF.

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    Last updated on Jan 12, | Also Applies to Adobe Acrobat , Adobe Acrobat Guide to creating accessible electronic documents, including PDFs. At the time of testing (March ), Acrobat 10 Pro (Windows) enables the production of accessible digital documents. Acrobat 10 Pro includes an.

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    Accessibility features · Keyboard alternatives to mouse actions · Use a screen reader or magnifier · Reflow text in a PDF. In this guide, learn how to use the forms tools within Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to add descriptions to form fields, tag untagged forms. The accessibility checking tools in Adobe Acrobat X Pro (Quick Check and Full Check) can help to identify areas of documents that may be in conflict with.